Problems of Contemporary Science and Practice
Vernadsky University

Electronic Version of Journal

Contents release N3(57)/2015
  • Puchkov N.P., Popova А.А. V. V. Vlasov as the First Rector of Engineering University in the Tambov Region
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.011-019
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.


  • Zeleneva Yu.V., Plakhotnik V.V., Sudnikova V.P., Denisov Yu.M. Creation of Sources of Resistance of Spring Wheat to Dangerous Diseases and Pests in Conditions of the Central Chernozem Region
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.020-027
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Lavrenchenko А.A., Lazarev S.I. The Study of Kinetic Characteristics of Dynamic Membranes During Ultrafiltration Treatment of Industrial Biochemical Production Solutions
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.028-033
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Popov N.S., Peshcherova O.V., Tran Minh Chinh. On the Structure of the Process Control System of Biological Wastewater Treatment
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.034-045
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.


  • Batsunova A.V. Measuring Noise Fields at Production Facilities with Temporary Sources of Noise
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.046-052
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.


  • Bondarskaya O.V., Bondarskaya T.A., Tetushkin V.A. The Concept of Formation of Creative Human Capital Reproduction Model: Driving Force for Economic Development of the Region
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.053-061
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Iradionov V.I. The Role of Modern Management Tools in Investment Planning
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.062-080
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Kostyleva S.Yu. The Influence of Globalization on the Economic Development of the Russian System of Higher Education
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.081-088
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Pavlyuchenko T.N. Discounting of Receivables in Compliance with IFRS 9 "Financial Instruments".
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.089-095
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Chelyukanov A.A. Eastern Partnership Countries in the System of European Economic Integration
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.096-101
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Iradionov V.I. Organizational Mechanism of Effective Design and Implementation of Investment Projects
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.102-115
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.


  • Ivanovа I.P. Quotation as a Means of Argument Strategy in German Publicistic Discourse
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.116-122
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Nakhman A.D., Ivanova I.Yu., Selyanskaya T.V. Organization of Foreign Postgraduate Training in the Regional University
    Abstract and article text in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.123-130
  • Popov А.I., Klimuk V.V. Pedagogical Tools of Developing Integrated Creative Competences of Economic Managers (in Common Educational Space of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus)
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.131-139
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Shubina N.V., Bannikova M.S. The Influence of Member Psychotypes on the Effectiveness of Team Activities and Development of Social Potential
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.140-147
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.

  • Akbayeva G.N., Sadyrbayeva A.Z. The Role of Engineering Students' Motivation for Foreign Language Learning
    Abstract and article text in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.149-153
  • Ashmarina I.L. Authenticity, Integrated Skills and Knowledge Personalisation in Teaching English at Universities
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.154-161
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Denivarova N.V., Abdresheva M.K. Some Peculiarities of Inclusive Education in Kazakhstan
    Abstract and article text in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.162-166
  • Dubinina G.A. Technologies of Training Scientific and Pedagogical Workers for Teaching University Disciplines in a Foreign Language
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.167-172
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Zinder E.Z., Yunatova I.G. Facilitating Effective Student Learning through the Use of Professional Information Resources in English for Enterprise Architecture Courses
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.173-181
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Kagazbayev Zh., Ongar Sh.O. Learners' Cognitive Activity in Foreign Language Education
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.182-187
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Margaryan T.D., Gurova G.G., Alyavdina N.G. Vocational and Professional English Language Teaching by Means of ICT at Technical University
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.188-196
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Mosina M.N. Practice-Oriented English Training to Develop College Learners' Professional Communicative Competence
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.197-200
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Nikolaeva N.N. ESP Listening Comprehension Features for Engineering Students
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.201-208
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Podleshykh А.А. Overcoming the Limitations of Textbooks When Teaching Business English
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.209-214
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Popel L.V., Rogozina A.Yu. Information Technology in Teaching English at Secondary Schools (Experimental Results)
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.215-219
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Prokhorova A.A. Developing Multilingual Competence of Technical University Students through Mediative Fucntion of the English Language (Experimental Research)
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.220-227
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Svinchukova E.G. Teaching Writing in the Framework of the Course on Writing Scientific Papers in English
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.228-234
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Tleuzhanova G.K., Khamzina A.S. Synergetic Approach to Fostering Learners' Information and Langauage Autonomy
    Abstract and article text in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.235-239

  • Dementyev O.M., Dubrovina M.M., Mentyukova M.A. Fraud in "Cyberspace" as a Tendency of Crime Sophistication
    Abstract and article text in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.240-246
  • Iskevich I.S., Suchkova E.A. Application and Interpretation of International Law
    Abstract and article text in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.247-250
  • Tetyuhin I.N., Titov A.E. Object and Tasks of Judicial Construction and Technical Expertise
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.251-253
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Tetyukhin I.N., Engovatova K.G. History and Milestones of Forensic Handwriting Examination
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.pp.254-256
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.


  • Kalashnikov S.N., Shatsky E.D., Belousov O.A., Gorshkov P.A., Shchegolikhin P.A. Synthesis of the Helical Radiator for Hybrid Digital TV Systems
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.257-262
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.
  • Lvov А.А., Svеtlоv M.S., Ulyanina Yu.A. Criterion of Mathematical Model Efficiency for Information Channels
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.263-269
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.


  • Ivanova E.P., Rodionov Yu.V., Kapustin V.P., Nikitin D.V., Danilin S.I., Mitrokhin M.A. Calculation of Parameters and Operation Modes of Biotechnological System Equipment for Hop-Pumpkin Starter
    Abstract in English - pdf-file. DOI: 10.17277/voprosy.2015.03.рр.270-277
    Article text in Russian - pdf-file.

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