Journal "Problems of Contemporary Science and Practice. Vernadsky University"
Problems of Contemporary Science and Practice
Vernadsky University

Submission and Review Rules

    1. The procedure for submitting scientific articles to the Editorial Board.
    1.1. Articles prepared in accordance with the requirements of the journal are sent to the Editorial Board in accordance with this procedure. Articles that do not meet the requirements are rejected.
    1.2. When sending a scientific article to the Editorial Board, the author must submit:
    • Electronic version of the article in doc, docx format.
    • An extract from the meeting of the department or similar department of the organization, with the recommendation of the article for publication, signed by the head of the department / head of the department.
    • Plagiarism check of the article.
    • Postgraduate certificate, certified by official seal (for graduate students and their supervisors).
    • Information about the authors (Template).
    1.3. Requirements to submitting a manuscript are in the "Author's guidelines".
    1.4. The author is responsible for the compliance of the information contained in the submitted documents.
    1.5. Materials are sent to the Editorial Office by e-mail (e-mail address: and
    2. Procedure for reviewing scientific articles.
    2.1. Articles submitted to the Editorial Board that correspond to the subject of the journal and do not violate its publication ethics (see "Publishing Ethics and Journal Policy") are reviewed for the purpose of their peer review. Articles sent to the Editorial Board undergo the procedure of "blind" peer-review. The reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials, doctors of science.
    2.2. Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts sent to them are the intellectual property of the authors and are classified as confidential information. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies for their own use. Violation of confidentiality is possible only in the case of a statement about the unreliability or falsification of materials.
    2.3. The terms of review are determined by the Editorial Board, taking into account the creation of conditions for the prompt publication of articles.
    2.4. The period of storage of reviews in the Editorial Board is 5 years.
    2.5. The editorial board sends copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to the authors, and also undertakes to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request by the editorial office of the publication.
    2.6. Informing the authors about the results of the review:
    2.6.1. Upon receipt of a positive review, the Editorial Board informs the authors about the admission of the article for publication, indicating the terms of publication.
    2.6.2. Upon receipt of a negative review, the Editorial Board sends the author a copy of the review with a proposal to modify the article in accordance with the reviewer's comments or reasonably (partially or completely) refute them, or sends the author a reasoned refusal.
    2.7. Articles modified or revised by the authors are re-sent for review.
    3. The procedure for publishing scientific articles.
    3.1. The decision on the expediency of publication after review is made by the Editorial Board. The editorial office determines in which issue of the journal the article will be published, and the author is informed about it by e-mail.
    3.2. Before publishing articles that have received positive reviews, the authors need to make adjustments to the texts of the articles if they are referred to by reviewers.
    3.3. The editors reserve the right to make editorial and proofreading changes to the author's texts of articles.
    3.4. Payment for the publication of articles, as well as for their editorial and proofreading is not charged.
    3.5. Articles that have received positive reviews may be removed from publication in the following cases:
    • detection of violations of the rules of publication ethics of the journal;
    • the refusal of the authors to implement the constructive comments of the reviewers or their reasoned refutation;
    • irrelevance of the article at the time of publication.
    3.6. Submission of materials to the editorial department is a conclusive action. The consent of the authors to the publication of the material, as well as to its placement in the electronic versions of the journal, is assumed.

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